Saturday, March 21, 2020

Without A Ripple, Grand Canal


  1. This is simply so perfect. It's really terrible that this wondeful sight should come out of such total horror for so many of us. I believe the fish are now frolicking happily in the canals, too. Thanks you for continuing to cheer us all up.

    1. Thanks, Ella. Yes, it's a strange calm, with something a bit jarring about it, which is why I didn't worry that the casino at the far right edge of the image is really blown out into a discordant whiteness--as I didn't quite understand why the casino was still being lit up during the shutdown as it had been when it was open.

  2. Thanks to you for telling us about Venice even at this difficult time.

    1. Thanks for looking at the blog, Pierpaolo, and for taking the time to comment.

  3. Replies
    1. You never know what you might see in Venice--and, if you're lucky, capture at least partly.

  4. Very impressive and moving. The Grand Canal was probably as smooth and empty at the same hour two hundred years ago, but much darker without electric lighting. From this point of view, we are lucky being able to admire all these reflections. None of us imagined we could ever see such beauty, moreover in such awfull time. I suppose only the bells are heard.
    Thank you very much for all the pictures. How does it work for kids no longer attending school? Do they have internet teachings? Take care of you and your family.

    1. Some of our son's classes are conducted online, but they do not duplicate anything like the regular full-day schedule so parents have to fill in the gaps. Some friends in Berlin said that their daughter's school has actually maintained its usual 8:30 to 3:45 schedule with ALL the courses online. That's pretty amazing.

      When the canal is this still you don't even hear the usual lapping that a breeze or current can cause. Or course about 150 years ago Wagner heard the inspiring (to him) cries of gondoliers even at night, but there is not a single gondola out on the canals now. Instead, there are the cries of the gulls, which can vary so much and become so loud and shrill that they sometimes resemble the shrieks of monkeys in a jungle.

      Thanks for your good wishes and I hope you and yours are well and safe.
