Tuesday, July 23, 2024

La Capitana, Ieri Sera (San Toma)

If one must wait for public transportation, is there any better place to do it than on the Grand Canal (when it's not crowded with others waiting, that is)?


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Chiaroscuro: Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, This Afternoon

We're back in Venice for the first time since we moved (regrettably) almost exactly 3 years ago today, after having lived here full-time for nearly 11. Operating on very little sleep, but wanted to post something. More to follow.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Camogli, Liguria

I always enjoy the 4th of July holiday best when I am far outside of the US when it occurs, as I was 9 years ago when this image was taken. (5 July 2015)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Chiaroscuro: San Fruttuoso, Liguria

I think I've posted a slightly different version of this image years ago, but the scene continues to remind me a little of Caravaggio, a little of Rembrandt, though it's simply a family of bathers escaping the heat beneath the Abbey of San Fruttuoso. (5 July 2015)