Monday, April 20, 2020

"Chiudere" (Keep Closed)

Venice has relaxed its lock down just a little--a few more shops have been allowed to re-open (eg, makers of bread, and, curiously enough, sellers of chocolate), one can go outside to exercise by oneself while wearing a mask--but any more changes are not due to come until May 4. I continue to appreciate the caution exercised by Italian authorities.

The above image was actually taken over a week ago, before the recent (and very limited) loosening went into effect. The small brass plaque on the gate which reads "Chiudere" ("to close") means, in its particular and usual context: "Keep this gate closed." But it seems to suggest a bit more these days....


  1. Chocolate is surely essential!

    1. Well, yes, I think so, too. I must admit I was happy to be able to buy chocolate covered espresso beans again, as I don't otherwise drink coffee!
