Sunday, October 7, 2018

A Little Water Music, This Morning

Okay, so it wasn't actually Handel, or anything resembling Handel, that this complete band of about a dozen musicians played as it was being ferried across the Grand Canal from Santa Sofia to the Rialto fish market, but whatever the lively number was--and whoever the band was, and whyever it was in Venice today--it provided a rousing accompaniment to a memorable sight. This short passage completed, the band then disembarked and headed to wherever their next performance was supposed to take place, making no more noise than any other group of visitors to the city.


  1. Looks as if it might have been Blasmusik from South Tyrol (Alto Adige). Congratulations to them all for getting safely on board with their instruments, let alone giving you a snippet of their concert.

    1. This seems like a very good conjecture, Rosalind, thank you, and you didn't even hear what they were playing! My regular telephoto zoom lens is being repaired or I'm pretty sure we might have been able to make out what was printed on the drum. They were great.
