Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dinner on the Canal: Town & Country

It's a marvelous magical thing to dine beside the water in Venice, either in town, in San Polo, as below, or...

in Mazzorbo, right next to Murano, as below. I've not eaten in either place, alas, but I love the look of them.


  1. J'aime beaucoup ces deux ambiances nocturnes !
    Je garde un excellent souvenir d'un dîner au Vignole. Mais il ne faut pas oublier de rentrer avant les 12 coups de minuit sans cela on est obligé de dormir à la belle étoile !

    1. That is a very very good reminder! Though I suppose on certain nights a good sleep in the open air might be rather nice, if one has prepared for it.

      It's so easy to forget about the "other islands" in the lagoon, especially the quiet lightly populated ones like Vignole. But how magical a place like Vignole can be, as you remind me.

  2. Again with the verification! I recognise the first photo as Da Fiori on the Rio di San Polo, viewed from Ponte Bernardo.

    1. Oh, Bert, that was far far too easy for you. I'm tempted to post a devilishly difficult one to really test you... But I'm not sure that it would be fair, as it's kind of an interior.
