Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Local Color: Rio di Santa Maria Formosa

This May has, thus far, seemed as mercurial as a typical Venetian March, teasing you with a soft bright sweet temperate morning or afternoon so lovely as to suggest you've passed out of the world of flux and changing weather and into Eden--only to cloud up and rain for two days straight. Usually Saturday and Sunday.

"Marzo pazzo," is what Venetians say ("crazy March"). This year we've also had maggio pazzo.

But even a string of gray days need not be uniformly so, as the freshly painted topa above attests.


  1. Now: I'd far rather pootle along the back canals in that little red beauty than pose on / near the Grand Canal in a gondola.....

    1. It is a really nice boat, Ella, and I agree with your preference; though, in a pinch I suppose I'd settle for reposing in--if not posing in--a gondola on the Grand Canal.
