Monday, January 29, 2018

Carnevale Is Launched Once More in the Light of Day

As always, the giant rat leads the way
I found out this year that, because of the curve of the Grand Canal, it's possible to watch the entire opening corteo of Carnevale twice over: the first time from near the San Silvestro vaporetto stop, and then again, after not much of a walk, from near Ca' Pesaro.

Anyone who happened to see my post on last year's opening corteo is likely to have their own experience of déjà vu, as a couple of the crews below were also pictured last year. But for those members of the local rowing clubs who participate in the event, as well as those residents who see it each year, repetition is part of the ritual.

A vaporetto crew resorts to oars for one day only

I'm pretty sure that the man dressed as a baker up front really is a baker--I've seem him teach a kids' workshop on bread-making. But I doubt that the person dressed as a plague doctor behind him actually practices that profession.

What would the Carnevale season be without its pastries?

Taking to the air on water

Lodge on the Grand Canal and you can watch the opening parade in your pajamas, as above. A waggish fully-costumed rower participating in the corteo shouted his compliments up to this woman for her own choice of costume.

A vaporetto tilts rather alarmingly as its passengers press to one side to see the passing corteo

Rowers in this caorlina are dressed as the water gates of the MOSE barrier system, but to truly represent that project they would have had to somehow flounder incompetently in place while simultaneously robbing everyone around them.   

Speaking of crowds...

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